Monday, February 21, 2011

Presidents Day

Today is a beautiful day! We are going to do most of our home school outside by taking walks and doing nature study. But this morning we did start a couple crafts. We decided to do an overview of President Abraham Lincoln and President George Washington. With my 4 year old we searched out the coins with their faces and made log cabins with Popsicle sticks. While we do this I have been sharing little facts about them. They seem to be catching on quite fast and are not bored.

This is Emma's work, the little gap is the door, lol. She also glued a couple of pennies and made some windows. She loved this project!
This is Cameron's project, she decided she wanted to actually build a cabin. She is quite the perfectionist and so we had to stop at this point to let it dry off and give her a break. She was getting upset if it fell. We are going out for a walk around the neighborhood and look at some trees and plants and do some art work and study. Hopefully this will give her some time to "forget about it" and come back and finish. 
I love days like this! This is what I love about home school!

Here are some fun President's day activities

1 comment:

  1. You are making me very jealous ;)Loved days like that.
