I was so young when I had Lexi I had missed out on so much of her early years due to my selfish nature. When I had Cameron now almost 9 years ago I was still clueless but she was mine and my husbands first child together and we learned a lot. When I found out I was pregnant with Emma I cried. Not tears of joy but tears of," Wait I was done!" I have to admit the first few months were a roller coaster ride. My husband had been gone in a school and I couldn't talk to him so I had to wait a few weeks before I could finally tell him. He got a chance to call me and originally wanted to tell him in some special sort of way. But, I couldn't control my self and blurted it out on the phone. I had also been in and out of the hospital getting ultrasounds because I had been bleeding a lot. After hubby got back everything seemed to be okay and the rest of the time I had a normal pregnancy.
On May 22nd at 12:19 am I gave birth to a beautiful 6lb 8 oz 18 inch little girl
We fell in love with her immediately! She was a great nurser and a great sleeper that first night, lol.
She spent the first 2 years seeing a Pediatric dietitian because she was failure to thrive when I took her in at 6 months. This was a shocker because I had no problems with nursing Cameron and Lexi drank formula. I continued to nurse her and when she was old enough Emma was on a full fat wonderful diet! We went to Mc Donald's weekly sometimes daily, ate heavy cream in our food, tons of mac and cheese and loved it!
Notice I say, "We ate". Yes, I ate everything she ate! The problem with my milk supply being so low was because I was hyperthyroid and didn't find out until a few years later when it puttered out and I became hypothyroid.
This is a pic of Emma's hungry caterpillar chart. It help encourage her to eat and we would add a new green circle when she ate a meal.
Life with Emma has always been interesting! She is growing up to be quite a handful! She is smart, beautiful, hard headed, creative, independent, and mommies little girl!
I know that there were tears and fear in the beginning of my pregnancy but when I saw her sweet face that all disappeared. God knows exactly what's best for me, for my marriage and for our family! I love my sweet little Emma.